Friday, January 30, 2015

So, How Do You Decide Where To Go?

One of the challenges in arranging a global trip is to decide where you want to go.  One of the conditions of the travel tickets is that you have to keep going one direction, you can't back track.
Hence the name = Just keep heading West.

Part of our goal is visit places that we've never been to before.  We love to travel, and we've been fortunate to see a lot of places.  And there simply isn't enough time to go everywhere.  So you have to narrow it down.
For example, we'd like to visit the Middle East, but it's not exactly safe.  Neverless, we will be going to Dubai, Egypt, and Turkey.
Looking forward to warm sunshine!
Pyramids, anyone?  Camels?

Otherwise, stay tuned for updates on where and when he go next.  First stop is Beijing China, where it turns out that it's really cold right now, down to 16F at night (how do you pack for extreme cold and extreme hot in one backpack?).

Leaving ... on a Jet Plane

Today is the day, currently at the Portland Airport, ready to depart on our Round the World trip.
After an incredible amount of planning and scheduling and a great deal of time spent getting ready, we're on our way.  I'm hoping to blog at least a couple times a week (or more) to update what's happening. The first stop is China ... well ... actually the first stop is Vancouver Canada, then on to Beijing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What Happens if you Head West from here?

Okay, so we live in Oregon.  It's on the West Coast.  In fact, we're not very far from the ocean where we live.  You are going to run out of land pretty quick.
If you go to the Oregon Coast, and look West, there is a whole lotta water, a vast Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water in the world.
Can't swim it ...not gonna row a boat ... gotta take a plane.
On the other side is Asia.  A rather dramatic first step.  The furthest (farthest?) stretch - right at the get-go, can't take it easy if you're going West from the West Coast.

A Couple More Days

As you get close to leaving, you keep remembering things you have to do.   
Did you know that the Post Office will only hold mail for 30 days?  
What if you're gone longer than that?  Do they toss your mail ...  or burn it?  

We get a lot of mail, I suppose most people do, especially in terms of junk mail.  I wonder how much money is wasted in a year's time on junk mail, and how many trees cut down.  Maybe if we recycle that might stem some of the waste.

Is it reassuring to know that junk mail (along with our regular mail) will faithfully be delivered while we are traipsing around the world.   

Monday, January 26, 2015

It Takes Some Time To Make Arrangments

So you think it's easy to make arrangements for all the plane trips, accommodations, and other things needed to travel around the world?  Well ... I'm sure nobody thinks it's easy, but it can sure take some time.  Fiona has gotten to be a real expert in all the connecting flights and hotel rooms, etc.   In fact, she has really enjoyed the process, and learned a lot in the meantime.  
For example, try to get a room in Rekyavik (or even try to pronounce it, it's in Iceland).   Or Warsaw, or Istanbul, like several weeks in advance.  Or book a train from Singapore to Bangkok.

Want a room with a view of the Taj Mahal? - Done!

Hope it all works out okay!