Friday, January 30, 2015

So, How Do You Decide Where To Go?

One of the challenges in arranging a global trip is to decide where you want to go.  One of the conditions of the travel tickets is that you have to keep going one direction, you can't back track.
Hence the name = Just keep heading West.

Part of our goal is visit places that we've never been to before.  We love to travel, and we've been fortunate to see a lot of places.  And there simply isn't enough time to go everywhere.  So you have to narrow it down.
For example, we'd like to visit the Middle East, but it's not exactly safe.  Neverless, we will be going to Dubai, Egypt, and Turkey.
Looking forward to warm sunshine!
Pyramids, anyone?  Camels?

Otherwise, stay tuned for updates on where and when he go next.  First stop is Beijing China, where it turns out that it's really cold right now, down to 16F at night (how do you pack for extreme cold and extreme hot in one backpack?).

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