Sunday, February 1, 2015

Okay, I know , I just couldn't resist

So the carpet at the Portland Airport has a cult following, and everybody is talking about it.  It's gone viral!  It's blowing up!  In fact, the cool thing to do is to take a picture of yourself (or your feet to be more accurate) on the carpet.

So that's what I did.  Hey this carpet thing has become a legend in it's own time.
There was even a front page article about it on the Wall Street Journal!
Wall Street Journal article 

So here are my feet on the carpet - which is going away (no! say it isn't true!) and being replaced.  If you are truly committed, better get up to PDX soon and get your picture too!

And check it out, I'm wearing my Nike running shoes - what could be more Portland, Oregon than that!

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