Sunday, February 8, 2015

Took a Bus - Not the Train, yet ... Hip Hop Bus Driver

After all that, didn't take the train, ended up taking a bus!

Everyone wanted to know (after the border incident) how we actually got on the train.  Well, we didn't, we took a bus!  The train thing was just too hard to figure out, and it turns out, there were no seats left. Looking back at the whole thing, it wasn't worth risking my neck. 
So the bus ride was a five hour trip from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, and it was a pleasant trip through tropical jungles and endless palm trees, except that ... well, we had a Hip Hop bus driver guy that was weird and a little dangerous.

Hip Hop Driver on the Bus?

Let me explain.  So we left Singapore in the morning and crossed over into Malaysia, legally this time.  No problems, although I was still a little traumatized by the border thing. 
As soon as we get across the Straits, the body of water that separates Singapore and Malaysia, the driver breaks out his cell phone and starts talking, like real loud.  
Okay, so we're in the front two seats behind the bus driver, anticipating a better view that way, but no, it was far from peaceful.
The driver was this big heavy Malaysian dude, with the front bill of his cap facing straight up, he looks like 50cent in full gangsta mode, and he starts making endless phone calls, each time he begins talking in this Hip Hop style.
As he gets someone on the phone he breaks out:
"HEYYY BRO, DUDE! BRO, MAN, WHASS HAPPENIN!?!?!? - WHAT is GOIN' ON?  DUDE! BRO! MY MAN, HEY ... DON'T MAKE ME BRING THE RICE OUT, WU-TANG!"  ... goes on forever, longest greeting in the world.
     Like every ten minutes, I swear it was almost the whole five hours, and it's super loud, like he is shouting ... (is it more cool that way)?  We kept trying to sleep and every time you would drop off, it's another round of "HEYYY BRO-O-O-O!!!"
     Not only that, but one point the bus is starting to wander in and out of the lanes, and I look over his shoulder and he is texting!  Are you kidding me?  This is supposed to be a professional bus line, and this guy is what, making drug deals?  The whole thing was so not relaxing.  I got kinda nervous and so did Fiona.  
     We finally arrived in Kuala Lumpur and it's actually a pretty nice city, modern and green.  I'm not taking the bus the next time, though. 
    We are actually catching a train this afternoon to Penang, Malaysia.

Update: On our Way by Train to Bangkok

     So it's Sunday night here now and we're in Penang, in northern Malaysia, and we took the train the whole way up from Kuala Lumpur, six hours. 
    In the morning we catch another train, this one to Bangkok, Thailand, which will take 22 hours.  
    So I will have to go dark on the blog thing for at least a day, while traveling by train across Southeast Asia.  
    The trip today was fun, Malaysia is a very beautiful country.  
I appreciate all the comments and likes on the blog, and I intend to continue to write something as much as I can during our travels. 

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