Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Emotional Highs and Lows and Extremes and ... Comfort Zone Blowout

So it was that kind of day, with a million things going on, and most of them turning out ... okay?

It's better just to list them in a bullet point format.  This might take a minute to read:  Sorry, no pictures on this narrative.
  • Bangkok, Thailand Feb 11, 2015
  • I try to go for a run every day, and this morning I ran several kilometers through a really beautiful park near where we are staying ... wonderful!
  • Started out with breakfast where we spent the night at our good friends, Phil and Cindy Porter, and it's Cindy's birthday, so everyone is in a good mood.  Breakfast with good conversation and fellowship and great homemade yogurt and salsa and omelettes! 
  • Cindy announces that as a part celebration of her birthday, we are all going to a Thai massage place for a super duper massage. 
  • This puts me (Kevin) in a quandary - I'm not a big massage guy, in fact my only real experience with massage stuff was an unmitigated humiliating disaster, and ironcally, it was in Bangkok a few years back.
  • So I immediately hedge and say, "well, maybe ..." meaning Hell no, I will never do that again!  I'm still tramautized from the last time!
  • At noonish, Cindy and Phil Skype with their kids who are all around the world, before we set off for a day of activity and unforeseen excitement (anxiety?)  We have a busy schedule before we catch a plane to Cambodia in the evening.  This busy schedule includes going to a Thai hospital to get a Yellow Fever inoculation because it will be required during the remainder of our trip. 
  • By this time, I have consented to submit to a Thai massage, hey man, "I'll go along with this and I'll take one for the team, etc."  in the meantime, I'm still terrified. 
  • So the massage thing is our first stop and it's done as a couple with Fiona and I in the same private room with a couple of expert Thai ladies doing this aroma massage thing and ... frankly, it was a very nice experience, and at one point I went into a dream like state and never felt better, at least for a while.
  • So then we all went to the ministry facility where Phil and Cindy have done phenomenal things, and it's starting to get later in the day and we are beginning to get a little pressed for time.
  • We make our way to downtown Bangkok (not an easy thing to do with extreme traffic) and we find this hospital with a good reputation and we are going to get a Yellow Fever shot. 
  • This is like ... Way out of my comfort zone.   The massage thing was already a stretch, and now I'm gonna get a needle poked in me with a deadly third world disease vaccination?  I'm thinking, we're in a hospital in a remote place and they are going to inoculate me against a disease that I might get in another remote place?  Why am I doing this kind of thing?  Isn't travel supposed to be fun?
  • And we're starting to run out of time, it looks like we will miss our plane to Cambodia, and the stress starts to sky rocket.  Hey, we just spent good money on a fantastic massage and now I'm freaking out with a lady going to stick a needle in me, and by the way, they do a blood pressure check and I'm supposed to be calm?  What the ... ?
  • So we finally get the shot and I'm pray to God that I will be okay, and we have squeezed the time down to zero margin of error to get to the airport to make our flight to Cambodia.
  • We jump in a Taxi and go about one kilometer in a half hour.  By this time Fiona has totally lost it and figures there is NO WAY we are going to make this flight and we are going to have to .... well, your mind has to find ways to cope with bad stuff and you begin to construct scenarios of how the rest of your life may turn out ...
  • Beyond all reason and logic, we make the flight, we're talking miracle here ... and I don't use that term lightly ... and as I write this, we are sitting in our hotel room in Siem Reap Cambodia, and we are exhausted and cannot comprehend what has happened today ...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you two. Now my blood pressure is skyrocketing. It does sound like fun now that you can look back at it.
