Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Warning! This Lady Is Not Making Cookies!

Scenes From The Streets in India

So she is crafting by hand what are known here as Dung Cakes.  Yes that's right, she is shaping Cow Poop into little flat cakes to dry ... for use later as fuel to burn in their fire.  Almost looks good enough to eat ... ? ... well, maybe not!

There are plenty of Sacred Cows in India, and it's not just a figure of speech.  They literally roam the streets, and folks just drive between them and pay 'em no mind.  They're all over the place.

    Transportation in India - choose your weapon

    There is more than one way to get around India.  In fact, the variety is almost limitless.  Check out this overloaded truck, with a front and back view, hilarious!  They said it was full of "animal food".  I guess that means - hay?  Hope it isn't too heavy. 

    And it is surprising how many camels there are around here.  I didn't expect a bunch of camels in India, but they are very common in the rural area where we are staying.  I thought this picture turned out pretty cool, snapped it in front of Hindu temple/museum.

Incredible Variety of Historic Structures

    So we've been traveling quite a long ways in the last couple days, and have driven several hundred kilometers.  We seen a range of buildings and ancient places with a lot of history behind them.   

     This last picture is a place called the Amber Fort and yes, it's as dramatic as it looks, up on a hill.  
    Amazing, and one of our favorites.


  1. That Amber Palace thing looks stunning. Wow. Now on my list.

  2. (Looked up some pictures of it and it seems so monumental and towering and artistic and historical)
