Thursday, February 5, 2015

First off, Singapore is ...

Okay, the first thing about Singapore is that the climate is the opposite of Beijing.  After several freezing days and nights (serious cold temps), arriving here in Singapore is like visiting the tropics.  In fact, it is the tropics, palm trees, very warm, humid, very green, almost right smack dab on the equator ... all in all, a pleasant transition from ice and heavy clothing to shorts and t-shirts.

Singapore is a dynamic and successful city-state that is very modern among the jungle like surroundings.

We got in late last night from Beijing via Manila, Philippines.  Once again, we are reminded that the joys of travel include some not so joyful things, like long delays (in Manila) and lack of organization on the part of airports and airlines.  But we made it here and we continue on our journey.

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