Friday, June 19, 2015

Back On The Road Again - the Return of the Travel Blog

Been Home Long Enough!

We arrived home on April 15th from our long trip around the world, and that seems like a long time ago, in travel years.  Now it's time to hit the road and get on out there and see something new ... or something far away.

A common response from friends and colleagues, when they hear about this trip, is "Good grief, you're going off again?!?!  I guess you didn't get this out of your system on the big trip?" 

Fiona has already started, she has been in Senegal Africa for over a week, working on projects for our Andando Foundation.  Things are busy and going well in the village where we work, Keur Soce (pronounced Kur So Suh).  

I leave tomorrow for Amsterdam Holland, and Fiona will meet me there.  We travel to the Netherlands regularly and really enjoy the country.  My last name is of Dutch ancestry and I feel an attachment there, and beyond that, we just like the place.  It is interesting and very pleasant with a lot of history and stuff to do. 

Our son Lewis and his wife Ruby are going to join us there, following their current trip to Washington DC, where they are attending a Peace Corps reunion with the team they were part of in Swaziland, Africa. 

Once we all arrive simultaneously in Amsterdam and spend a week there, we depart for Scotland, where we will all attend a big family wedding.  We will also be joined there by our daughter Alison, who is coming for the wedding.  

This whole thing sounds complicated, and it is.  In fact, once the wedding is over and our visit to Scotland is complete, most of us head home, but Lewis and Ruby will continue on from that point to Senegal, where they will carry on with the work for Andando. 

Are we clear on all that?

My Intent is to Post Regularly on this Blog, on this trip and others to follow ...

We have other travel plans this year.  There is a wedding in Toronto, and a domestic trip to the Redwoods with our grandsons (always a well spring of amusing anecdotes!).

Then later a trip to ... and after that ... well, just stay tuned and I promise to do my best to provide hopefully interesting and entertaining commentary on the world around us, both near and far.  

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