Friday, August 28, 2015

Every Picture Tells a Story - Kauai is a perfect example

So it's time to get caught up, and I'll do it with pictures.

Only pictures, with captions ...

We went up to see the Waimea Canyon, known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, but it was pretty wet and foggy that day.  We did capture this moment, but it was not the full meal deal.
On the trip to the top of the Waimea Canyon, we attempted to get a selfie picture using a self stick, but the outcome was pretty weak.
Love Gabby's expression on the right. 

Remember I mentioned Caption Cook earlier in another blog about Kauai, Hawaii?  This is a statue of him in the coastal town of Waimea, where he landed in 1770.  He was a British explorer who went on to explore the Oregon coast, among other places.  He had an interesting life, but ironically, was later killed here in Hawaii.

There was a boat cruise up a local river to the Fern Grotto, pretty touristy, but still kinda cool.  They gave us a hula dance show once we got there, the kids loved it.  The adults had a good time too. 

At a town nearby, they had a cool footbridge over a good sized river.
I got this photo of Fiona crossing over.
She was a little uneasy, as it was a wobbly bridge - shifty and precarious.

There are a variety of places to eat, some really nice and some rather routine (for Hawaii).  We chose this patio cafe on a former coconut plantation, it was fabulous.  Good food and great scenery.  We could see the ocean off across the lawn. 

Kauai is known as the Garden Isle, and there are a lot of waterfalls.  Especially after the heavy rain we've had.  This waterfall was not normally quite this full, and not usually brownish, but with the runoff it was a powerful sight to see.  

Much of Hawaii has converted away from the old days of sugar cane and pineapple, and now grows other things, like tourism ... Ha!  Actually there is a lot of coffee grown in Hawaii these days and it is excellent.  This picture captures me and Gabby checking out the local production.

This picture shows more coffee, up close.  They will harvest in a few weeks, when the beans turn a little more reddish. 
Kauai Coffee Company is a huge producer of high quality coffee. 

On our trip to the far end of Kauai today, we encountered a scene a bit out of place - a lighthouse!  Beautiful and very scenic, and the weather has now gotten nicer.
What a great spot!  

Of course we have been hitting the beach as much as possible, and spending time in the waves and looking at the fishes.  This area is known for the former Salt Ponds where Hawaiians used to gather salt to export (and still do). 

Please forgive me for yet another picture of the sun and sky here, but it is so irresistible, and picturesque.  This was taken around four in the afternoon on the way to the waterfall.  

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