Friday, June 24, 2016

Harvey 2.0 - Kids Say the Darndest Things

Since we left Fort Stevens, things have gone South ...

In other words, we are driving South and have reached Newport. However, the weather has changed dramatically and it's raining steady and hard.   Very wet here on the coast, which puts a damper on outdoor activity.

We didn't get very far yesterday on our way deeper down the coast before we hit a rather nasty accident on Hwy 101 and traffic stopped.  There are no alternatives to this road for quite a ways, so the only option was to sit and wait.  Kind of a momentum killer.

We eventually got through and as I mentioned yesterday, we pigged out at the Tillamook Cheese Factory, eating way too much.  But we pressed on and made it to Otter Crest, where we spent the night. The kids headed right for the pool, which was expected, and spent a couple hours there until we finally made them get out around 7:00 at night.   Watched a movie and then to bed. 

Woke up that day to a steady rain and had to make new plans.  This called for indoor activities and we spent much the day at the Marine Science Center in Newport.  This is a terrific facility with a lot more than just displays.  There are a lot of activities, it's a perfect place for a rainy day. 

Then we had a late lunch and spent some time at the excellent Newport Library.  Again, in the hard rain, you have to find ways to amuse kids and keep them busy and occupied.  It worked. 


Keeping in theme with the rainy day atmosphere, I thought I would reflect and recap many noteworthy and amusing comments by the three grand sons on our trip.

  • We were passing by a cemetery, which indicated that we were close to our destination and the boys were glad.  Yoppie said we should not be glad, we should be sad.  "If you see a graveyard you have to cry ... Ohh, boohoo, my ancestors died!"
    • There was a program on the radio and one of the characters said something about "people" and "people means not kids" Sam piped up from the back: "Technically, kids are people too." 
    • Yoppie declares while sitting around the campfire one night: "Smoke in my mouth makes my fruit snacks taste like beef!"
    • At one point we were handing out snacks and somebody complained about their portion.  One of the others reminded him of the saying that: "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"
    •  The boys were talking about the Little Rascals, and which one was their favorite.  Sam said his favorite was Dorky, HaHa!  Jackson quickly corrected him "It's Porky, not Dorky ... you dork!"
    • The boys regularly invent games, they get this from me.  So Sam is trying to get me to play a game he made up with goofy rules and it's way too complicated.  So I tell him: "This game is dumb - do you like this game Yoppie?"  and Yoppie, trying to be polite says: "Hmmm, it's kinda strange ..."
    • We're sitting around eating chicken around the campfire at dinner time and Jackson reaches into his mouth and fiddles around for a minute and pulls out a tooth.  There is a stream of blood and saliva that drools out of his mouth.  He throws the tooth on the table, hocks a spit to clear his mouth, and takes another bite of chicken.  ... the tooth had been loose for a while.  Tough kid. 
    • I had an attack of vertigo, which I get once in a while.  It's been a while, but this time it was kinda bad.  I was trying to explain to Yoppie what vertigo is, where you get dizzy.  He says:  "I don't know what that's called, but it sure is a weird disease!"

    We are talking about people we know and Yoppie says something about Lilly Von.  We don't know who that is.  
    He is surprised, "you don't know who Lilly Von is?"
    We answer: "No, who is she?"  
    Yoppie says: "She's in my class"  
    And we are like "What? How are we supposed to know someone who is in your class? ... do you like her?"
    Fiona asks:  ".. is she cute?" 
    Yoppie:  "No, she's not cute, she's seven". 

    Kids say the darndest things.  We all have a good laugh when we're on these trips.  


    1. Sounds like your trip is off to a great start.

    2. A kid's perspective is always interesting (and humorous) and often times spot on with more truth than when an adult tries to speak a thought. Thanks for sharing.
