Friday, November 10, 2017

We Build Statues out of Snow, and Weep to see them Melt - Sir Walter Scott

We have now spent the last week in Scotland, and made a fine time of it.  We tend to keep busy when traveling, and there was a lot to see and do.  We were in the Borders area, where Scotland meets the north of England. 

We even got to do some more hiking, spending a day out in the country.  Great scenery.

This particular area is known for large historical Abbeys, or ancient churches.  It sometimes seems like everything here is a thousand years old.  And much of it is.

Jedburgh (pronounced Jed-burra) the town we stayed in, had a large Abbey.  We explored that and enjoyed the village and went for walks in the nearby area. 

We went on a long hike in the woods and along the Tweed River, and there was an Abbey there called Dryburgh (pronounced Dry-Burra) .  It was quite amazing and contained the grave of Sir Walter Scott, a titanic figure in literary history.  Sir Walter was from this area of Scotland. 

In fact, we went to see his historic house.  Frankly, it was one of the most wonderful "homes" I have ever seen.  It was like a fairy tale castle.  And it was a perfect day with great weather.  A really amazing day!

The above picture is the library in the house. Sir Walter Scott penned many novels; he was the most famous writer of his day - circa 1795.  Below are some of the more common phrases of his that have become part of our everyday language (including the title quote at the top of this blog):

O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

He that climbs the tall tree has won right to the fruit.

The will to do, the soul to dare.

Too much Rest, is Rust

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.

Look back, and smile on perils past.

Many a law, many a commandment have I broken, but my word never.

All in all, a jolly smashing time in Scotland!  It was great to spend time with the relatives - Fiona's brother Duncan and his wife Donna - and sister Mabel, who has been with us all along on this trip.

Now we head back to England, near London, for a few more days before leaving for home.    

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