Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I'm Not Going To Nicaragua

What kind of a blog headline is that?  Let me explain:

Earlier this year plans were made to make a trip to Nicaragua, where my son TK lives with his wife Jenny.  The dates of the trip were planned for right now, as we speak. 

We've been to that country several times, and I was looking forward to a return trip with cousin Joe - he was  there last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, so much that he made a pledge to go back.  

Not only that, but my other son Lewis was coming along as a surprise birthday present (from his wife Ruby and my wife, Fiona) that included a trip with us to Nicaragua.

But the best laid plans of mice and men ...

Nicaragua is going through (essentially) a civil war

For the last several months, the news from the small Central American country has been really bad.  In a huge ironic turnabout - Daniel Ortega, the former revolutionary (now President of the country for some time) - has encountered deep resentment from his people.

Unfortunately (or in Spanish: Disafortunadamente) - he has turned into a power hungry dictator, and the people are not happy.  In fact, there is open revolt against him.  There is a revolution forming against the original revolutionary.  

Against this background, our trip seemed ill-advised.  The conditions in the country are bordering on terrible.  Lots of people have died in violence, mainly by the ruling government, and the economy, once stable and relatively prosperous, has descended into chaos. 

The final stroke that kind of sealed the cancellation of the trip is that our son TK said he and Jenny are considering leaving the country.  They have been there for almost three years, and even considered applying for the equivalent of a Nicaraguan Green Card.  

Even if we went there and didn't get hurt, it would not be fun.  There are roadblocks everywhere, no food, no gasoline, and it would be hard to enjoy yourself when the country is in turmoil and its future uncertain. 

So instead I'm going to Montana

Since the time was already set aside, and Fiona was leaving for Africa - I decided to pursue a long delayed trip to Montana to see friends and former work colleagues.    

This road trip will include stops in Idaho, Utah, (where I'm writing this blog post), Yellowstone Park, Montana, and Washington.   

I have some business to conduct, and just want to visit with people I know and have a look around.  I haven't been to Yellowstone in a while, and my son Lewis is going to join me on that part of the trip. 

Yesterday I was in Boise and Sun Valley, Idaho visiting friends, and made my way to Twin Falls, on the Snake River.   There is a spectacular bridge there over the Snake River Canyon, a deep gorge in the middle of a mostly flat landscape in the southern part of the state.  

And upstream from the bridge is a magnificent and amazing waterfall - that most people don't know exists in southern Idaho.  It's a pretty dry arid plain where the Snake cuts through the region, and this waterfall was worth the effort to find it and have a look.   Impressive! 

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