Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hard to Believe, But It Happened Again! Trouble on an Airplane

Airplane Mayhem, but first - another episode of the Nicaraguan trip ... be sure to read on

We really enjoyed the area where we finished our trip around Nicaragua.  It was a "Crater Lake" in the middle of a big volcano that caved in - (how's that for a geologic definition?).  On our last morning there, I went for a long walk, more like a hike, along the ridge overlooking the lake.  

I normally go jogging every morning, but I banged up my foot (toe) pretty bad and it's still sore and trying to heal.  Anyway, the hike was exceedingly pleasant with terrific views.  

I snapped the photo below, which was a painting someone had done on a rock.  I hate to call it graffiti, because it was so well done.  It was about four feet high, and I swear it was like a panther looking back at you.  Did I mention they have panthers and jaguars around this neck of the woods?

The trail went on for several kilometers.  I think it goes all the way around the lake.  I didn't have the kind of time available for an all day hike, but it would have been great.  The weather was perfect.  

We eventually made our way down to the water's edge, which was not easy because the rim / hillside was so steep (again, think Crater Lake).  Another difference is that unlike Oregon, this place is tropical, so there were palm trees and lush jungle right down to the lake shore.  


My streak is intact, I seem to have airplane disruptions on a regular basis!

So we left late, late on Saturday night from Nicaragua, and caught the red-eye from Managua to Los Angeles, arriving at 6:00 in the morning. Not a bad flight - only 5 1/2 hours - compared to our recent 16 hour marathon flight from Johannesburg South Africa to New York. 

Anyway, it's not a bad flight, in fact we slept pretty good.   Only a two hour flight to Portland and we're home.  But hold on, there's more to the story  ...

So the flight is uneventful and we land in LA without any issues and taxi to the gate.  Everybody stands up to get their bags and pull stuff out of the overhead compartment and squeeze into the aisle. We are toward the front and we can see the jetway ramp pull up to the plane.  

We wait, and there seems to be some delay.  Does the jetway not fit?  What's up?  Eventually the flight attendant comes on the intercom to ask everyone to sit ... back ... down ... what? why?

"Please put your bags back and sit down and clear the aisle."  This is the only thing we hear, and rather confusing.  It's kind of a hassle to do this and people moan and groan and don't really show much enthusiasm.  So the flight attendance becomes a little more direct:  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I need your cooperation, please sit back in your seat or any seat available and clear the aisle!"

This is more difficult than it sounds.  You know the drill, everyone pushes forward with their bags to get off the plane, throwing elbows to gain a an extra few inches advantage (hey, I've done it).  What exactly is going on anyway?  Why do they need us to sit down?  I can't remember this every happening before ...

And then the flight attendant becomes very strident; "SIT DOWN!" and "PLEASE - CLEAR THE AISLE!"  He is nearly shouting.  Geez!

Another issue with this kind of thing ... is why don't they tell you what's going on?  Ever notice how stuff goes on with the airlines or flight delays and they never explain?  So we do our best to settle back into seats with bags.

In a short time, the airplane door opens and three of LA's finest come onto the plane.  They are armed officers with a serious look and they make their way down the aisle to the back of the plane.  

Yikes!  It's hard to tell what's going on, and passengers sorta of stand up try to see, they are reminded to keep their seats.  

They quickly without much delay, handcuff some guy and escort him to the front of the plane.  He is a weird looking dude with an old t-shirt and shorts and flip-flops.  He is not offering any resistance.  He is ushered off the plane and taken into custody.  Fiona said she remembered seeing him in the airport in Managua, sitting and waiting for the plane with a blank look and staring into space.  

Was he on drugs?  Was he carrying drugs?  Was he a "stowaway"? Fleeing the country?  Some kind of criminal?  He looked rough, with tattoos and a bad haircut.  At any rate, there is no explanation, and we are eventually allowed to deplane and ... "we hope you enjoy the rest of your trip, thank you for flying Delta Airlines!"   
Ha Ha Ha - yeah, right ...


If you follow this blog, you might recall several recent flight and airplane issues similar to this.  Check these links: 

When you fly often, you will occasionally encounter issues, but this is kind of a bad streak.  I guess you could say it makes travel "interesting", but a normal flight would be nice once in a while. 


So we are home now for a stretch, with a new grandchild coming in the next three weeks or so.  Of course we can always find some travel experiences worth sharing.  We really enjoyed Nicaragua, with all the volcanoes and amazing landscape.  

It's also nice to be back in Oregon, with neon green fields and so many trees.  Travel is indeed very interesting, but ... there's no place like home!   

1 comment:

  1. Ahh yes the "perils" of international flights. For me its about about every 1 flight out of three somebody has an apparent heart attack. Do they ever need a spare pilot?.. No of course they don't..:)
