Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hey man, you wanna have a drink? No thanks, we're on our way to see Jesus

We finally made it out to see TK and Jenny's site, near San Juan del Sur

So we've been here in Nicaragua for a week now, and we've been all over the country, but at long last we made it to the south of the country and visited TK's home site near San Juan del Sur.  

The nearby town of San Juan is an off-beat tourist town for surfers and those who like to be "off the grid" and far away from anything.  There are fantastic beaches and cool breezes and the temperature is nice and easy.  It's a fun place to relax and get away from it all ... 

And of course, there is the big statue of Jesus up on a hill over the town, kind of like the one in Rio de Janiero.  This is the kind of place where there are several "watering holes" and some guy approached us about coming into his bar to have a drink.  My answer was "No thanks, we're heading up to see Jesus."  

He knew exactly what I meant!

Jesus is high on a hill with a dramatic pose and a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean.  There was a large cruise ship there (I had no idea they stopped in a remote place like this), and it left as the sun was going down to sail off the the next destination.  

Those of us on the West Coast of the USA share this same coast line.  Central America has some amazing vistas and if you live on the West Coast, well, you get used to the sun going down over the ocean.  

We have really enjoyed Nicaragua, it's one of those unsung, out-of-the-way locations - with a lot of little known attractions.  We're not leaving yet, we have some time left here and we will be exploring a few more locations before we leave.  

If you want to get off the beaten path, this country might interest you.  This is somewhere you might want to explore.  We admire our son TK and his wife Jenny for their pioneering spirit to come to a place like this and try to carve our a life of their own.  Not sure if I would want to do it.


It's not all fun and games ...

But Fiona and I sure like to visit and experience these locations.  It can be exhilarating and an adrenaline rush, and also ... disconcerting? 

As an example of something that is outside my comfort zone, I include the rather ... ahem, graphic picture below.  I was working on TK's homestead ... when a hammer fell eight feet and landed smack dab on my barefoot toe on a concrete floor.  Yeowww!  It was extraordinarily painful and I probably said a few bad words as I hopped around in pain.  I'm sure the toe is broken. 

And of course, this place is dirty and full of bugs and germs and the toe is not getting a whole lot better as I limp around and try to deal with it.  It turned black and blue and looks really gnarly.  There is not a lot of medicine out here in this remote village, what are you going to do?  Just press on ... and trust Jesus ...


  1. Gnharly!!! Awesome reading about your trip!
    Love to TK and Jenny

  2. Holy cow! I'd read people's comments about your toe but hadn't read your blog until today. Yowzer! I'd probably have said some bad words, too. Hope it's healing okay.
