Thursday, August 11, 2016

It Kinda Depends On Your Point of View ...

We're home now, I wanted to do a post basically focused on just pictures.  

I love photography, and have spent a fair amount of time gathering pictures for this blog, among other things.  All pictures published here were taken by me, using an iPhone camera.  I have occasionally resorted grabbing a photo off the internet for the blog, but 99% of pictures were generated on my own, with occasional help from Fiona.  

Much of the time, I am capturing an image in order to explain a point of view.  Literally, like what the scenic view was like in a foreign land.  But sometimes, I just want to capture an aesthetic image for the sake of a unique or unusual moment in time. 

The pictures on this post would fit that description. Pictures just for the sake of a picture, too interesting to pass up.

This little rig was cool looking and dazzling, but puzzling.  We came upon it on a cobblestone street in Rothenburg.  Turns out it is actually a bicycle.  Looks hard to maneuver.  By the way, everyone rides bikes there, which can be challenging on the up-and-down cobblestones.  

This was some leaded ancient glass in a church in Bacarach Germany.  Loved the texture of the glass and the colors behind.  

Again, colors and texture.  We saw a lot of apples, especially in Kazakhstan, where they are said to originate.  Although ... this picture was taken in Germany. 

This was a classic expression on a large statue carving on the front of a church.  There were other characters in the artwork, but this guy's mood seems to imply he's fed up and bored ...

Stark colors and textures. Street scene on a low window ledge in St Goar.  

Loved the light and the detail in this picture inside a church in the chancel area.  Doesn't look very comfortable.  Most of the churches in Germany are Lutheran.  

Again, just because ... I loved the lighting and lines and texture.   

So many people (tourists?) in various forms of modern clothing, amongst a background 1,000 years old. 

Having lunch at an outside cafe, with this view across the street.  Found the variety of elements very interesting.  

Inside yet another church, but hey, gotta love the bright basic colors.  Not bad for a bunch of Lutherans, eh?

Loved the detailed carving.  Was trying to capture the close up view against the blurry background, depth of field.

Guess you can tell where this picture was taken.  Candles against the enormous background of the church in Rothenburg.  For the curious: O.D.T. is a geographic reference and translates as "On The Tauber" the local river nearby. 

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