Tuesday, August 2, 2016

We SO Did Not Expect This in Kazakhstan

Everyone has expectations when they are going somewhere new, but sometimes they get blown out of the water

Kazakhstan was unknown to us before we came here, and pretty much to everyone else.  It is not a place that would register on anyone's radar.  So when we got here we were surprised when we found this place is full of ... surprises.

The first few days were spent in and around the largest city Almaty (pronounced All-Moddy).  And then we went to the outback where it was hot and dry and remote and amazing.  

Last night, after our return from the hinterlands, we made our way - on the gleaming new subway - to the top of a nearby hill via cable car to a location that overlooks the city.  But we did not expect to find a vibrant and crowded amusement park.  It was also amazing.  

This picture above was taken overlooking the city, on one of those giant slingshot thrill ride things that shoots you up into the sky.  The picture turned out magical I thought.  Check out the image on the camera phone.

By the way, the new subway system here has the largest escalator in the known world.  We were rather astounded when we got to our final stop to see the escalator rise up from the underground rail - it was at least ten stories high, it was unreal!  It went on forever.  Pictures don't do justice to the distance covered by this mechanism.  Check out the riders halfway up. 

There were tons of people up there at the top, it was big amusement park, like anywhere else in the world, which was something we did not expect.  Especially after being out in the boonies where things are rough and there is ancient history around every corner.   

And what was even more interesting was that there seems to be a prosperous middle class.  These folks are well dressed with good haircuts.  They were spending money left and right.  They almost seemed to be affluent.  

We captured a moment at the viewpoint with the city of Almaty in the background as the sun dropped over the horizon.


Up to the Mountain Top we go! 

We had planned on going up into the surrounding mountains, looking forward to forest and rivers and nature, and today was the day for that.  And again we were completley stunned by what we encountered.   

We made our way up from the city by bus about 25 kilometers into the mountains.  It doesn't take long to get up high and soon we were at a large world-class skating rink with a backdrop of spectacular snow capped peaks. 

And there was a new modern cable car system that efficiently shuttles passengers for Six Kilometers into the mountains.  The views were so impressive that you would have thought you were high in the Swiss Alps or the Colorado Rockies. 

And once you get to the top, there is a new modern ski resort "village".  Apparently this is one of best in Central Asia.  People come from all over to ski here.  We did not expect this. 

And then there was yet another chair lift kind of thing to shuttle you up even farther, to an altitude of almost 10,000 feet, with incredible views - not only of the mountains, but the valley floor below.  It was an elaborate well planned system of gondolas and lifts designed and run by the Kazaks.  Again, very impressive.   


I have to be honest here, full disclosure, I was a little nervous on this whole excursion, once we left the ground.  Certainly not because of the operation, it was top notch.  It was because of my "apprehension" about heights.  I get real uneasy being up high off the ground, and this whole day was a challenge.  We were way up super high on the cable cars and chair lift - way out of my comfort zone.  I guess I'm just wired that way.    


But we never imagined that Kazakhstan would have something this sophisticated.  This is a well functioning country with a temendous potential. The same people who built the sandstone monuments in the desert that have lasted for a thousand years are the ones building these well engineered modern mechanisms that can tame mountains. 

Wednesday is our last day here in Kazakhstan.  We have really enjoyed the time here.  The people are friendly and we have felt completely comfortable and safe the whole time.  They seem to be well educated, productive, clean, and peaceful. 

This big city of Almaty is filled with wonderful big parks and trees.  And of course, as confirmation that the modern world has reached K-stan, they have a Starbucks! 


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