Monday, March 2, 2015

Cairo Egypt - The Pyramids - This is why you travel - Part III

Another Life Long Dream! 

    We arrived in Cairo last night, and although it was dark we were able to see the Pyramids - they light them up.  It was totally cool.  Our hotel is right across from the Pyramids and the Sphinx, and we can see them right out our window!
    We spent the day today walking amongst these towering structures, you have to cover a lot of ground!  It's one of those things where you think you may never see this during your lifetime, and there we were.
    It was relatively uncrowded, tourism is down in Egypt these days.   At one point, we were accosted by a bunch of girls who wanted their picture taken with Fiona, pretty funny.

    The Sphinx is right here too, kind of in front of the Pyramids.  It didn't seem as large as I expected, but everything looks diminutive compared to the gigantic Pyramids.

    We took a ton of pictures and enjoyed the scenery, and yes there are a whole bunch of camels walking around, adding to the ambience.  This picture below was taken with the base of the largest Pyramid as the background.  You can see the amazing stonework, over 5,000 years old. 

    The weather is perfect, around 74F and clear skies, although the air quality is not great here in Cairo.  The the ruins are not far from the city, and they sit on kind of a hilltop.
    At some point you kind of run out of superlatives to describe things that are so really awesome, but the Pyramids are really unique in the world and unparalled in size.  Their simple, elegant, and majestic design really set them apart. 

    I'm really not trying to get in trouble ...

    Also, you are advised not to climb the Pyramids (in fact they prohibit people from climbing) because there have been several fatalities over the years.  When you are standing close and look up, you can see why.  They are so huge and steep that ... one false move and you're toast.  Neverless, I did go up a bit and Fiona got a picture!
    I wasn't the only one, as you can see.  Frankly you don't have to go up very far to become apprehensive.  I got nervous pretty quick.
It was only about 40 feet up, but I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to heights. 


1 comment:

  1. Ok.... I'm all caught up now. Where are you know, Senegal?!
