Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Senegal! West Africa ... Lots of Work to Do!

    I'll do my best to blog on this French keyboard at an internet cafe in Kaolack Senegal.  Not much access to wifi or any other electronic communication stuff here, pretty much isolated for the next few days.
    Arrived yesterday to Dakar Senegal, the westernmost point in Africa.  We've been here many times and are active with our non profit Andando Foundation.  In fact, we left this morning for the long drive out to the bush where we have several projects going.  Need to shift back from World Travel mode to getting some things done here.
    Got a couple pictures on the way here.  One was loading up 50 chairs we bought for a business presentation I will make on Friday.  The truck is one we have bought for our work here, we used to rent a vehicle all the time and it was better to eventually buy and own one.

    The next picture was taken on the way here, showing workers carrying salt from the salt flats near this area.  It's hot here and the work is hard, mostly ladies carrying heavy salt baskets on their heads.

    Later in the day we made it to Keur Soce, the village where we do most of our work.  We have been active here for many years, and we have several ongoing development projects and some new ones ready to start.  For example, tomorrow we go to the grand opening of a school we sponsored, with the help of many supporters.
    Then I go to finish a plumbing job on a new health clinic we built.  We sponsor and/or furnish many things here such as micro loans, feeding programs (400 kids every day), wells and gardens, health clinics, school electricity, desks, gardening, seed and marketing efforts, water and food aid, and a whole lot more stuff.

    As I said, I will be teaching a seminar on business to about 100 ladies on Friday, about fundamental business ideas. I was advised that most of them can't read, can't write, and can't count!  Sounds like a pretty tall order, but I have some ideas on how to portray basic business concepts that I hope will be of value.

    So it might sound like a lot of things and it is.  We like to think we are making a difference here, and we have sunk some pretty deep roots in the area, gardening pun intended!

    Blogging may be a challenge in the next few days, we have to drive 30 kilometers to get access.  It's a brief blog post, and hey, thanks for listening.   

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