Monday, March 23, 2015

What A Difference A Day Makes ... Istanbul, Turkey!

(Lots of pictures follow below!)

    So we are trying to shift back into Travel mode, after a busy time in Senegal

    Our Around The World trip has gone in several phases, or rather distinct portions.  Asia was amazing and unique, and the Middle East and Africa were a lot different and interesting and at times a little dangerous. 
    Then we spent an intense time in Senegal with our Andando Foundation, working hard and in very difficult conditions and carrying out many intiatives and projects. 
    So now we are in Istanbul, Turkey, and just arrived this morning after an over night flight.  (note: sleeping on planes, sucks)  

    An Essay ... and a little review ...

    This is day 54 in our trip, which will conclude at day 80 ... you know, around the world in 80 days, eh?  
    We have been moving along, with fourteen countries so far and seven more to go. 
    There have been what seems like endless currency changes, language has been a challenge, with new time zones, borders to cross, etc.  Communication has been a challenge from day one with no phone service and often no internet.
    One of the biggest adjustments has been to acclimatize to the weather. 
    For example, most places we've been (with the exception of Beijing China) have been warm or downright hot.  But coming to Turkey from West Africa (Senegal) has been a huge temperature change - from 102F to 52F - a change of 50 degrees!   That is pretty hard to get used to in basically one day.
    When we landed in Istanbul, it was cool and windy, and the day was filled with rain.  We're used to that coming from Oregon, but we're not used to that on this trip.  We had to dig out our jackets and sweaters to prepare for the day.  
    We've been blessed with extraordinarily good weather on this trip and it's been sunny and hot pretty much the whole time.   I guess we've been spoiled, but that may change now that we're back in the Northern Hemisphere and will finish the trip in the north part of Europe.

    It's a bit like having Attitudinal Whiplash

    I thought I might describe this rapid change as emotional whiplash, but that would not be as relevant as the required change in attitude.  To explain further: when you have a radical physical change, it's like you get whiplash (like the injury when your head gets snapped around).
    Having to change your attitude in a nano-second to adjust to a new reality is, well ... let's just say it's like attitudinal whiplash.  Okay, so I over explained that ...
    Anyway ... one minute you are in the desert heat in Africa teaching ladies a class on business, and the next moment you are in Istanbul, and you have to shift back into Travel mode and leave behind your recent conditions and embrace a new day. 
    Or another example: One minute you are in Egypt, with a broken country, terrible conditions, and bombs going off, and the next minute you are in spectacular Mount Kilimanjaro, with amazing wild animals and views that take your breath away. 
    This is not a bad thing.  This is why we travel, and we enjoy the adventure.  But it's important to be resilient, and flexible, and ready for whatever comes next.  We love this, but it sure keeps you on your toes!

Istanbul, where East meets West ... and Old meets New

   I wish everyone could come to Istanbul some day, this place is totally fascinating.  
   The best way to tell this story is to show pictures - A pictorial recap:
This is one of the numerous public transport methods in Istanbul, a tram dating back 70 years.

    This picture shows the variety of night time shops they have, with a very wide range of produce and spices - and best of all - olives of every variety!

    This amazing book store occupies a building that is probably three hundred years old.

Another view of the bookstore, with a narrow winding stairway up to the loft, with amazing books and maps.

    Another View - this is literally the bridge between Asia and Europe, across the Golden Horn.  You can see the impressive Hagia Sofia mosque in the background.  

     Another View - these guys love their music!  We discovered a really cool neighborhood section of town with tons of musical instrument stores.  Anyplace that appreciates music is a place I like.  

    Another View - There is a lot of water in and around Istanbul and they have floating restaurants, like the one below. 

    Another View - even with marginal weather, the people of Turkey are out and about, in big numbers.  The street life is fun and colorful.  


1 comment:

  1. That map store looks AMAZING. I can get drawn into places like that.
