Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Day In The Life - Are We There Yet? A Pictorial History

Haven't Done This Yet - A Blow by Blow account of our trip today from Italy to Poland 

Okay, bear with me, I took pictures at regular intervals today during our entire trip - from Lake Como Italy - to Krakow Poland. 

7:00   Wake up, go jogging, shower, pack bags

8:30   Eat Breakfast 

9:00   Walk to Ferry - take boat across lake to catch train

9:25   Arrive Train Station 

10:15    Leave Bellagio on Train, heading toward Lecco, Bergamo, and Airport.  Once again, spectacular views of the Lake.

11:15   Arrive Lecco, Italy, transfer to another train for Bergamo

12:20    Take Bus from train station to Airport.  This takes longer than we think, and anxiety builds as the bus is late. 

1:05   Check in - go through Security (they don't like you to take pictures at security, so I had to sneak this in)

2:15    Wait for food at Airport, it takes 30 minutes to get a crummy hamburger.  I hate waiting, and we are running late. You have to eat when you can, can't be too picky sometimes. However, with all the running around, and the considerable walking we do everyday, we burn it off.  We have lost weight on this trip.

3:10    At the gate, ready to Board.  Not impressed with their boarding procedure which is like combat boarding, elbows flying, and total chaos. 

4:00   On the plane (again, most people don't want you to take their picture sitting on an airplane, and the airlines don't like it either ... but I had to get this story written, so I risked search and seizure).  

    By the way, this had to be the noisest plane in the history of mankind.  Incredible cacophony of noise, babies screaming, people yelling, aircraft announcements WAY TOO LOUD - in several languages ... are they ever gonna land this thing?

4:45    Land in Krakow Poland.  We can see snow on the ground, as we land.  This is a big difference from the last couple months, where we have mostly been warm, probably averaging 90F, now we're in northern Europe and it's cold.

5:15    Walk from Terminal to Terminal to catch the bus to town, the airport is like a construction zone, and it's raining.  Probably 35F degrees

5:45    Bus from Airport to Downtown Krakow, a lot of pushing and shoving going on, bumpy too. 

6:20    Arrive as close to Hotel as we can get, but it means a long walk in the rain ... cold ...  (by the way, I had to snap these pictures on the go, so the quality is marginal)

6:50  Arrive Krakow Old Town Square, Amazing!  It's where our Hotel is.  

7:15  We find the "Hotel" but it's up four steep flights of stairs (no elevator, which is cruel after our already exhausting day, and we're soaking wet)

 - and ... there is no one around.  It's not really a hotel, more like a small apartment.  By sheer dumb luck, we find the proprietor, and she lets us in.  It's a cool place.

7:30  We wander through the Square, it has a night market with a bunch of food stalls and authentic Polish food and goods, and we sample some.

8:00  We find a modest cafe to have a light evening meal and it's warm there. 

9:15  Back to our room, where I'm writing this blog post.  It takes some time to write these posts, and to get the pictures right, and so the night is not over yet, but I will say: 

Good Night, all!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kevin, for taking the time. I'm sure you are exhausted. So many sights to share. Patty
