Thursday, February 19, 2015

We're on The Train and Fiona Takes Off Her Pants and Throws them Out the Window

We've been off the Grid for a Couple Days, with a lot of Catching up to do.

Sittin' in a railway station 
Got a ticket for my destination
(not) Homeward bound 
     Old Simon and Garfunkel song
     This picture was taken in the main train station in Colombo, Sri Lanka's capital, last evening at 8:00, where we boarded and spent the whole night on the train heading to the highlands of central Sri Lanka.  
     The trip took a long time and we woke up at our destination far into the interior and up in the mountains.  The trip was not without some quirky events which I will outline below.  First, I wanted to describe our day, which was spent also riding the train through the spectacular scenery of Sri Lanka's tea growing region.
     Most people are unaware that Sri Lanka is one of the biggest commercial producers of tea in the world.  It's also a very beautiful country. 
     The old traditional name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon, and they still use that name for the high quality teas produced here.  
    The central highlands are ideal for growing tea, with warm temperatures and rolling hillsides that go on for miles, and lots of rain.  It is extraordinarily pleasant to glide through this landscape looking out a train window, and around every bend brings another visual delight, with countless fields of neon green tea bushes. 

So this is the part where we're riding on the train late in the evening, and Fiona takes off her pants and throws them out the window

    I feel like I probably should elaborate a little to explain this ...
    So she bought some funky pants in Cambodia because everyone was wearing them and they were quite inexpensive.  They had that low crotch thing like bad Hammer pants, with a bunch of colors and elephants and such.  
    After wearing them in this hot muggy climate, they began to stick to Fiona and eventually they split because they were a bad fit to start with.  They were wet from the train too (see below).  Highly uncomfortable.  
    So she decided to change them right then and there in the train car, which was not as bad as it sounds.  I held up a large scarf to cover the action, and the train was not real crowded.  
    So once she had changed into the replacements, she sat there with the crummy pants in her hand.  "what should I do with these now?" she said.  I thought for a minute and said, "why don't you throw them out the window ..." partly joking but also it kinda made sense.  
     So without overthinking this, Fiona chucked them out the open train window.  
     I know, it sounds like littering, but hey, I'm convinced some lady is sure to find these pants.  She will be filled with joy: "This is my lucky day!  I have found some new pants!  I think I will wear them to my sister's wedding!"
    People are very resourceful around here with clothes. 

Guess who shows up at the train station?  The President

    Before we left on the train we bought some water and snacks in a small rail station shop.  I see Fiona inside laughing and she comes out and says, the guy that works there looks just like Barack Obama.  
    Fiona said she asked him if anyone ever told him he looked like President Obama, and he began to joke with his work mates, "Hey man, I look like Obama"
    "Really?" I asked.  "Yes," Fiona said, "and you should go and take a picture of him!"
    So I did.  He wasn't as tall as our President, but there is quite a resemblance, even down to the ears kinda sticking out. 

Excuse me sir, what is that yucky liquid running out of the toilet on the train?

    So as we continue to ride on the train, it's probably around 9:00 at night by now, and there is a bunch of something coming out from under the toilet door on the train.  It's foul and it's running down the aisle and getting everything wet.  I'm thinking, this is gonna be a long night.  It's really heinous. It would gag a maggot. 
    I point this out to the conductor and he investigates.  The liquid is really making a mess and it's all over.  He comes back and makes a triumphant announcement: "It's water, Sir!"  
    He sounds so proud ... It's water?  What kind of water?  And this is supposed to be good? compared to what?  Urine? Feces? Vomit?  Maybe all three mixed together, it sure smells like it.  People are trying to tiptoe around this stuff holding up their skirts and pants legs.
    This guy acts like he is expecting a congratulations or something, but smelly liquid running out of the toilet and down the aisle is no cause for celebration.
    Heck, my wife got some on her pants and threw them out the window ... !

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